That option will show you a hierarchy of all headings in your document on the right side of your window. Open your file in Microsoft Word, and in the menu View, select Navigation Pane. If you have a DOC or DOCX file that you want to split into separate files, the great news is you can do this using Microsoft Word. How to split Word documents into separate files? It will act as a marker for splitting your file. Also, if you want a separate file of part of the chapter, you can add heading one on beginning desired text and ending. If you already have chapters in your document you want to save as a separate file, read the instructions in the following. Options for marking headings are visible when you open Microsoft Word, and they are in the Home tab of your window. When your file is divided into several chapters or parts of the text with headings, you can easily split it into separate files.

To split a Word document, you’ll need to have a hierarchy of headings.

How to split Word documents into separate files?.How to make chapters in Microsoft Word?.